Category Archives: Uncategorized

4 new FRS systems in Finnmark to investigate pink salmon population

The pink salmon or humpback salmon is an invasive species in Norwegian rivers. The fish has a two years cycle, which means that the fish that spawn comes back from the ocean after two years. Since the fish migrates back to the rivers after two years, and then die there are two separate populations, one highly successful that enters the rivers in odd-numbered years and one much less successful that enters in even-numbered years. This behaviour is the same for the natural habitat of the pacific and here in Norway where the fish is unwanted.

The County Governor of Troms and Finnmark submitted a tender to investigate the fish population of 4 Finnmark rivers, Karpelva, Vesterelva, Vestre Jakobselv and Neiden, which were awarded to Mohn Technology AS this spring. The main goal is to know more about the pink salmon population in even-numbered years like this year of 2024, and also compare natural species behaviour compared to last year which was a pink salmon year.

We have to this date registered a few dozen pink salmon, which is quite small compared to the tens of thousands that were captured in these rivers in 2023. See example video of a prime example below, taken at Karpelva.

AI based Net inspection algoritm used on real images from the aquaculture industry

Mohn Technology is developing an AI based inspection drone for the aquaculure industry. The drone, which is called the Sentinel Inspection Drone. The project is funded by FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund.

Mohn Technology has long and broad experience with both AI based and conventional machine vision. We combine that experience with knowledge about underwater camera systems and robotics to create a tool that will aid fish farmers in inspecting their facilities.

We have been working on various approaches on a sensitive, yet accurate way of detecting holes. The net pen is not just a net, it has ropes, knots, fouling, attached equipment etc. During the project we started with more conventional machine vision algorithms that look for holes with larger areas than the average. This works well for a clean and orderly net without foreign objects, equipment or ropes, but unfortunately that is not the case in reality. We have therefore developed machine vision algorithms that use artificial intelligence (AI) to seek out, track and report the holes.

Mohn Technology recently received a set of images of holes discovered in Norwegian facilities during operation. The holes were not big, but they gave us a realistic test of how holes would look in an actual facility. Until now, we had only tested with simulations, pool tests and scale models.

The images above are examples taken from real inspections where holes are found. All holes were discovered.

The video above shows hole detection and tracking algorithms on a video stream taken from a pool test. Note that this is a preliminary real time algorithm, and drone positioning data is not available for the tracking algorithm during this test, so the hole ID is lost once the hole tracking is lost momentary. During operation, the operator would get a notification if holes are detected, and the damage could be inspected manually. The net used is real aquaculture net pen received from a partner.

We are looking for a new developer!


Vi ønsker å utvide teamet, og er på utkikk etter en engasjert softwareutvikler som ønsker varierte og spennende oppgaver.


  • Utvikle front-end grensesnitt for interaksjon med våre produkter
  • Utvikle programvareløsninger for systematisk overføring og lagring av media og event basert data
  • Oppsett av servere og system-infrastruktur
  • Arbeid med nettverksteknologi, distribuerte systemer og databaser

Dine kvalifikasjoner og egenskaper
Vi er på jakt etter personer som innehar følgende egenskaper:

  • Utdanning eller bred erfaring innen informasjonsteknologi, datateknologi eller lignende
  • Erfaring med webutvikling og rammeverk
  • Erfaring med SQL og databaser
  • JavaScript, Vue, Golang, Docker, Linux
  • God faglig kompetanse
  • Brenner for faget ditt og ønsker å skape ny teknologi
  • Strukturert, ryddig og ansvarlig
  • Evne til å jobbe selvstendig og i team

Vår tech stack:

  • Frontend: Vue, JavaScript
  • Backend: Golang, Python (FastAPI)
  • Hardware: C++, Golang

Hva kan vi tilby:

  • Jobbhverdag i et ungt og entusiastisk oppstartsmiljø
  • Varierte og spennende oppgaver og stort kreativt potensiale
  • Konkurransedyktige betingelser
  • Fleksibel arbeidshverdag


We wish to expand the team, and are looking for a dedicated software developer who wants varied and exiting tasks.

Work tasks

  • Develop front-end interface for interacting with out products
  • Develop software for systematic transfer and saving media and event based data
  • Setup of servers and system infrastructure
  • Work with nettwork technology, distributed systems and databases.

Your qualifications and abilities
We are looking for people with the following characteristics and abilities:

  • Education or broad experience within IT, computer science or similar
  • Experience with web development and framework
  • Experience with SQL and database
  • JavaScript, Vue, Golang, Docker, Linux
  • High level of expertise 
  • Passionate about the subject and a wish to create new technology
  • Structured, well organized and responsible
  • The ability to work independent and in a team.

Our tech stack:

  • Frontend: Vue, JavaScript
  • Backend: Golang, Python (FastAPI)
  • Hardware: C++, Golang

What we can offer:

  • A young and enthusiastic start-up enviornment
  • A wide variety of exiting tasks with a large creative potential
  • Competitive pay
  • A flexible workday

Master thesis with UiB

Mohn Technology has in cooperation with UiB Department of Informatics and masters student Oda Inanna Klemetsdal Stene started a project regarding AI based image segmentation. Oda will work on creating a new machine vision tool for the fisheries industry that will increase profits and reduce waste. We are looking forward to the collaboration.

If you wish to write bachelor or masters thesis with us, please contact magnus (at)